Showing posts with label jordans way llc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jordans way llc. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Friday, February 24, 2023

Jordan's Way not legally registered in 2021 for Utah fundraisers

SPOILER: Like multiple other times, Jordan's Way LLC was not legally registered as a professional solicitor or fundraiser with the state they were conducting events in.

REGISTRATION IS THE LAW. In 2020/2022, Jordan's Way tried to conduct fundraisers in our state without registration and lied about being properly registered. If the fundraiser went forward, it would have put OUR CHARITABLE STATUS at risk.
Per the Utah Division of Consumer Protection, Jordan's Way was not registered when it did its 2021 fundraisers and its registration is still pending for its fundraisers scheduled for next week. Utah requires written contracts be submitted. Have the charities done this? PROTECT YOUR NONPROFIT.

Kansas Attorney General raises questions about Jordan's Way

 Ohhhh noes.... could it be that Jordan's Way wasn't legally registered in 2021 when it conducted its fundraisers for 25% PROFIT in Kansas?

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Kris Rotonda seems to have problems paying people

Kris Rotonda's schmuck behavior isn't a recent development. Pissy Krissy loves lining his own pockets, but seems to have a problem paying the people who help him do that.

Kelly Alexander, the Jordan's Way "contractor" who wasn't paid for 3 months of work, still needs your help.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Jordan's Way hates HSUS for being a scam.... pot, meet kettle.

 Pot, meet kettle.

If recent posts are true, Jordan's Way LLC has "raised" about $5 million doing its fundraisers in the past couple of years. That means Jordan's Way LLC, a FOR PROFIT company, has pocketed OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS from generous donors who wanted to help shelter pets.
That's right.... Jordan's Way LLC has pulled over a million dollars from the shelters and rescues that it purports to help.... just like Krissy complains about in this post. 25% of each fundraiser is paid to the for profit company Jordan's Way LLC, not a charity.
As per usual, Jordan's Way blurs the line between the "charity" and the for profit LLC with this posting. The "charity" with a board that was last known to consist of Kris Rotonda and his father. The "charity" that takes in donations outside of the tour fundraisers and spends those donations on..............?

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Greg Edwards tells the truth about Kris Rotonda

Once upon a time, Greg Edwards, a "business partner" of Kris Rotonda/Jordan's Way, came on our page to tell us all about how we're soooooo wrong about Krissy and his heart of gold. Eh, well.........

PS: It's kind of funny that anyone ever thought Krissy cares about disabled people considering he tried to exploit his own disabled daughter to get on the Ellen DeGeneres show.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Shelters and Rescues block our page because they don't want to be honest about Jordan's Way

 Why are people blocked from the Jordan's Way page or from the shelter/rescue pages for asking about the 25% that Jordan's Way LLC, a for profit business, takes from the fundraisers?

Rescues/shelters, we know why Kris Rotonda doesn't want to be honest about the 25%, but what's your excuse? There are actually states that REQUIRE charities to disclose this kind of payment to potential donors when they ask.
Do better if you decide to make a deal with this snake. Shame on you for allowing the misleading "all donations go directly to the shelter/rescue" statement to be used when you know darn well 25% of each dollar donated is coming right back out and into the pocket of a for profit business.
Let's do the math on just one of these.
-Shelter pays $250 up front
-Shelter provides all supplies
-Shelter "builds the momentum" for the fundraiser
-Jordan's Way LLC conducts a 3-4 hour Facebook live and collects 25% of all donations brought in from the time the fundraiser is posted to 48 hours after the live fundraiser ends, whether those donations are made through Facebook or otherwise
-Estimated $12,000 in donations
Estimated $2,843 to Jordan's Way LLC for ~6 hours of work (we're tossing in a generous 2 hours to account for prep/travel time since they normally do 3-4+ of these fundraisers at a pop). ~$473 an hour, plus supplies, plus your time advertising this, to get donations from people who were likely already donating to your shelter/rescue. You may ask.... how do we know that? Well, the Jordan's Way page went down not too long ago and continued conducting fundraisers that did just as well as when the Jordan's Way page was up and functioning.
In the meantime, these shelters/rescues are advertising Jordan's Way, a for profit business, as though it's just a nice guy donating his time to host an event for their shelter. Then their donors can head over to the Jordan's Way page where it lists itself as a "charity" where they can join the $1 a month club.... where the donations go to..... ?
What a racket.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Does Kris Rotonda really have a college degree at all?

Did you know Kris Rotonda is, like, really smart? We've been told that he tells a story that he was Salutatorian of his high school class and earned a full-ride basketball scholarship, but he... somehow can't manage to spell properly or form a basic sentence?

But, no worries.... our smart boy Kris Rotonda graduated with a Bachelor's Degree from St. Petersburg College... right? Doesn't seem like it per the dates given by their General Counsel.
(Also, this paid-for PRWEB "article" is so full of bull hockey we had a hard time figuring out which dumb statement that we wanted to debunk first).

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Kris Rotonda claims he's broken a Guinness World Record

 Sooooo... can anyone tell us what Guinness World Records it is that Kris Rotonda/Jordan's Way has broken as alleged in this October 12, 2022 post?

The only thing we could find is this failed "attempt", which never actually happened, in April 2022. Not sure what record he was trying to break by pulling a car for 24 hours, exactly, but the closest thing we could find is this: "Farthest distance pulling a vehicle in 24 hours"
Notice how the messaging changes from pulling Greg Edwards' SUV for 24 hours, to pulling until they reach 1 million subscribers for their dumb newsletter, or "up to" 24 hours. 🙄
Personally, we would pay to see Kris Rotonda attempt this: "Heaviest vehicle pulled using a hook through the nasal cavity and mouth"
Some other interesting bits from these posts:
-"My non profit Jordan's Way has raised over $4 million dollars [sic] over the last 2 years."
Kris claims about $2.5-3M of that was raised in 2021 in various posts. Jordan's Way takes $250+25% from EACH fundraiser. That would be, eh, about $650,000+ to Jordan's Way in 2021. Interesting considering the Jordan's Way "Charities" 2021 tax return reflects only $13,238 in revenue. Perhaps that money actually went to.... the FOR PROFIT Jordan's Way LLC.
-"I adopted Jordan from an animal shelter when she was 3.5 years old. Jordan had been there since she was a puppy."
We've been over this and still have no idea where this dog actually came from.
-Greg Edwards refers to Kris Rotonda as his "business partner" with "Jordan's Way a 501c3 Charity." Weird because charities don't have "business partners" and Greg Edwards isn't listed on the most recent tax filing as a board member. Perhaps he means the FOR PROFIT Jordan's Way LLC. 🤷
#jordansway #jordanswaycharities #jordanswaytour

Monday, October 24, 2022

Friday, October 21, 2022

Jordan's Way pretends to make a "deal" with the New York Yankees

 YANKEES V. ASTROS!!! Who's a baseball fan?

Jordan's Way "Charities" sure was in 2019, when Kris Rotonda claimed that the New York Yankees were "finalizing a deal" with Jordan's Way. This amaaaaaaazing deal was just that the Yankees would donate $5 of each ticket purchased through a special link back to the participating organizations. It's a normal program they do to promote ticket sales for generally underattended games... not some special deal for Jordan's Way.
Again, in 2019, the Jordan's Way "Charities" 990 tax return says Jordan's Way Charities took in ZERO DOLLARS in donations. We've already shown you the 2019 direct money fundraisers that show income, including that very special calendar, but here's yet another fundraiser that may not have been reported to the IRS. Oops.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Jordan's Way claims a mysterious pet food company offered it a $500k match

 Can anyone enlighten us as to what "top dog food company" told Kris Rotonda if he raised $500,000 that they would then match those donations dollar for dollar?

It's especially odd that a secret "top" pet food company would offer this HUGE MATCH to a brand new business that didn't even file to change its LLC name from Max and Molly Charities to Jordan's Way "Charities" until 3 months later (4/2019).
Jordan's Way constantly touts its "sponsor" and "commitment" that Purina / Purina Dog Chow made to Jordan's Way "Charities"... or were those one time donations? Was Purina the top dawg who was going to bankroll Jordan's Way "Charities" if only they could raise $500k in two months?
Oh, and..... that $500k fundraiser was just another 2019 fundraiser that somehow didn't make it to the 2019 Jordan's Way "Charities" 990 tax filing, which reflects $0 in income.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

More Kris Rotonda sugar babying

 If you guys thought the photoshopping games were a recent thing....... NOPE.

Per records from the Pinellas County Sheriff's Department, Kris Rotonda seems to have photoshopped a fake newspaper article to convince his boyfriend, sugar daddy, whatever, to give him more money because his dating website "You Must Love Dogs Dating" was allegedly going to be purchased by millionaire Marcus Lemonis and he just needed a liiiiiiiittle more dolladolla$. This poor sucker allegedly gave Kris 2 million dollars.
Oh, all while Kris was..... married.