Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Kris Rotonda claims he's broken a Guinness World Record

 Sooooo... can anyone tell us what Guinness World Records it is that Kris Rotonda/Jordan's Way has broken as alleged in this October 12, 2022 post?

The only thing we could find is this failed "attempt", which never actually happened, in April 2022. Not sure what record he was trying to break by pulling a car for 24 hours, exactly, but the closest thing we could find is this: "Farthest distance pulling a vehicle in 24 hours" https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/.../96259-farthest...
Notice how the messaging changes from pulling Greg Edwards' SUV for 24 hours, to pulling until they reach 1 million subscribers for their dumb newsletter, or "up to" 24 hours. 🙄
Personally, we would pay to see Kris Rotonda attempt this: "Heaviest vehicle pulled using a hook through the nasal cavity and mouth" https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/.../102941-heaviest...
Some other interesting bits from these posts:
-"My non profit Jordan's Way has raised over $4 million dollars [sic] over the last 2 years."
Kris claims about $2.5-3M of that was raised in 2021 in various posts. Jordan's Way takes $250+25% from EACH fundraiser. That would be, eh, about $650,000+ to Jordan's Way in 2021. Interesting considering the Jordan's Way "Charities" 2021 tax return reflects only $13,238 in revenue. Perhaps that money actually went to.... the FOR PROFIT Jordan's Way LLC.
-"I adopted Jordan from an animal shelter when she was 3.5 years old. Jordan had been there since she was a puppy."
We've been over this and still have no idea where this dog actually came from.
-Greg Edwards refers to Kris Rotonda as his "business partner" with "Jordan's Way a 501c3 Charity." Weird because charities don't have "business partners" and Greg Edwards isn't listed on the most recent tax filing as a board member. Perhaps he means the FOR PROFIT Jordan's Way LLC. 🤷
#jordansway #jordanswaycharities #jordanswaytour

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