Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Jordan's Way hates HSUS for being a scam.... pot, meet kettle.

 Pot, meet kettle.

If recent posts are true, Jordan's Way LLC has "raised" about $5 million doing its fundraisers in the past couple of years. That means Jordan's Way LLC, a FOR PROFIT company, has pocketed OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS from generous donors who wanted to help shelter pets.
That's right.... Jordan's Way LLC has pulled over a million dollars from the shelters and rescues that it purports to help.... just like Krissy complains about in this post. 25% of each fundraiser is paid to the for profit company Jordan's Way LLC, not a charity.
As per usual, Jordan's Way blurs the line between the "charity" and the for profit LLC with this posting. The "charity" with a board that was last known to consist of Kris Rotonda and his father. The "charity" that takes in donations outside of the tour fundraisers and spends those donations on..............?

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