Thursday, November 3, 2022

Shelters and Rescues block our page because they don't want to be honest about Jordan's Way

 Why are people blocked from the Jordan's Way page or from the shelter/rescue pages for asking about the 25% that Jordan's Way LLC, a for profit business, takes from the fundraisers?

Rescues/shelters, we know why Kris Rotonda doesn't want to be honest about the 25%, but what's your excuse? There are actually states that REQUIRE charities to disclose this kind of payment to potential donors when they ask.
Do better if you decide to make a deal with this snake. Shame on you for allowing the misleading "all donations go directly to the shelter/rescue" statement to be used when you know darn well 25% of each dollar donated is coming right back out and into the pocket of a for profit business.
Let's do the math on just one of these.
-Shelter pays $250 up front
-Shelter provides all supplies
-Shelter "builds the momentum" for the fundraiser
-Jordan's Way LLC conducts a 3-4 hour Facebook live and collects 25% of all donations brought in from the time the fundraiser is posted to 48 hours after the live fundraiser ends, whether those donations are made through Facebook or otherwise
-Estimated $12,000 in donations
Estimated $2,843 to Jordan's Way LLC for ~6 hours of work (we're tossing in a generous 2 hours to account for prep/travel time since they normally do 3-4+ of these fundraisers at a pop). ~$473 an hour, plus supplies, plus your time advertising this, to get donations from people who were likely already donating to your shelter/rescue. You may ask.... how do we know that? Well, the Jordan's Way page went down not too long ago and continued conducting fundraisers that did just as well as when the Jordan's Way page was up and functioning.
In the meantime, these shelters/rescues are advertising Jordan's Way, a for profit business, as though it's just a nice guy donating his time to host an event for their shelter. Then their donors can head over to the Jordan's Way page where it lists itself as a "charity" where they can join the $1 a month club.... where the donations go to..... ?
What a racket.

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