Monday, August 1, 2022

Jordan's Way's "zero dollar" tax returns in 2019 and 2020

Hey Jordan's Way, can we get those receipts? According to the Jordan's Way "Charities" 2020 tax return, you had "0" in donations come in, so we'd like to know what "more" you're referring to.

Donations per the Jordan's Way "Charities" 2019 tax return? 0 dollars. This fundraiser and the others on Facebook have curiously since been deleted (thank God for internet archives).

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Jordan's Way "Charities" 2021 990

 Received a copy of Jordan's Way "Charities" 2021 990 today. This is interesting.

Just over $13k in donations received (compared to the alleged "0" in 2020).

$19,100 given away in TREATS to animal shelters. Can any shelter verify that Jordan's Way Charities gave them treats and the value of such? Per people formerly associated with Jordan's Way, Jordan's Way requires the shelters on the tour to provide all supplies.

$29,306 in fundraising services???

And best of all, a $40,000 LOAN to the charity from Kris Rotonda, one of two board members. The other board member is Joseph Rotonda, apparently a family member, as Treasurer. Reminder: Florida requires a nonprofit organization to have at least 3 independent directors.

Download full 990 here or send a message us via the page:

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Volunteer for a for profit company.... Jordan's Way

 National Non Profit or.... something.... needs you to volunteer for free to collect more donations! We're using the phrase "donations" loosely since 25% from each of these fundraisers is paid to a for profit LLC. Basically, volunteer your time so Jordan's Way LLC profits more. What a gig! Someone should probably review the Fair Labor Standards Act.

BTW, can anyone spot the difference between the Jordan's Way job posts on Upwork?

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Jordan's Way is totally a nonprofit

 Don't worry everyone..... it's a "National Non Profit" that has those shelters pay 25% of money raised into a for-profit company (Jordan's Way LLC).

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Jordan's Way Deserves Your Donation More Than Animal Shelters

Can they make it any more obvious that they aren't actually in this to help animals?

If you donate to Jordan's Way, your dollar goes FURTHER than it would if it goes DIRECTLY to an animal shelter. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
And, again, each shelter on the tour pays 25% plus $250 to the for profit LLC Jordan's Way. What are these donations for and where are they going?

"Jordan's Way Charities" 2021 Board per filings with Florida consists solely of Kris Rotonda and a family member (Joseph Rotonda) as TREASURER. 🤑 It doesn't even meet Florida's charity board requirements..... but keep sending those magical dollars that somehow help animals more than they would by going directly to the shelters.

Jordan's Way Tour

Monday, July 18, 2022

Kris Rotonda Sends Fake 501 and then Cries About It

This was sent to us and we're rolling.

1. YOU (Jordan's Way) sent out the "false document" AKA the fake 501(c)(3) letter.
2. YOU (Jordan's Way) use photos belonging to shelters, rescues, and other social media pages on a daily basis without even giving them credit. At least we give you credit!
3. Which business are we hurting? The for profit one where you take 25% of the donations to animal shelters or the "nonprofit" one where the donations go..... where?

Monday, June 27, 2022

Jordan's Way raises miiiiiiiillions of dollas

 Conveniently left out the money Jordan's Way pockets from doing these fundraisers.... and an explanation for why they steal content from animal shelters without giving those shelters any credit or compensation.

And, by the way, actual nonprofits, like Best Friends, contribute to many shelters each year without taking 25% of donations from them like Jordan's Way does. Donate directly to the shelters. Not to Jordan's Way's pocketbook.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Donate bc 25% just ain't enough

 If we buy the "3 million dollar" claim, it would have put $750k+ into Jordan's Way's pocket last year and somehow they still need your dolla dolla.

Jordan's Way charges the shelters it visits $250 plus 25% of all money raised. That money is payable to Jordan's Way LLC (a FOR PROFIT Florida entity). What is your dollar "donation" needed for, exactly?

Donate to the shelters directly, don't support a FOR PROFIT entity banking on animals in need.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

More donation requests to support a for profit business

 Donate to help on their journey?? Where are these donations going?

Jordan's Way charges the shelters it visits $250 plus 25% of all money raised. That money is payable to Jordan's Way LLC (a FOR PROFIT Florida entity).

These fundraisers are 4 hour events. Billing continues for 48 hours after the live event.

Do the math. $25 of every $100 raised goes to Jordan's Way LLC, not animals in need. A $10,000 fundraiser puts $2,750 in Jordan's Way's pocket.

Donate to the shelters directly, don't support a FOR PROFIT entity banking on animals in need.