Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Jordan's Way Deserves Your Donation More Than Animal Shelters

Can they make it any more obvious that they aren't actually in this to help animals?

If you donate to Jordan's Way, your dollar goes FURTHER than it would if it goes DIRECTLY to an animal shelter. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
And, again, each shelter on the tour pays 25% plus $250 to the for profit LLC Jordan's Way. What are these donations for and where are they going?

"Jordan's Way Charities" 2021 Board per filings with Florida consists solely of Kris Rotonda and a family member (Joseph Rotonda) as TREASURER. 🤑 It doesn't even meet Florida's charity board requirements..... but keep sending those magical dollars that somehow help animals more than they would by going directly to the shelters.

Jordan's Way Tour

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