Thursday, March 30, 2023

Jordan's Way claims to be NonProfit with no Pennsylvania Registration

Tsk, tsk. Fundraisers conducted in Pennsylvania, but no Pennsylvania registration found. Pesky legal requirements for conducting commission-based fundraisers on behalf of actual nonprofits.

But, wait, there's more.... is Jordan's Way LLC going back to Pennsylvania for another round? It seems they've set up a whole new Facebook page this month with a big 'ol banner announcing their "non-profit" raising over 4 million dollars.
For the 800th time, the "Tour" is conducted by a FOR PROFIT company: Jordan's Way LLC. It is NOT a nonprofit. 25% of all donations paid to these fundraisers go to a FOR PROFIT company.
1 MILLION DOLLARS out of this 4 million didn't go to help dogs and cats, but instead helped line Kris Rotonda's pocket.

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