Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Jordan's Way Tour is NOT a nonprofit

 "Jordan's Way is a non profit organization that travels throughout the United States holding Facebook Live Fundraisers at underfunded animal shelters across the US to benefit the animals in their care"

But.... here is an invoice payable to Jordan's Way LLC, a for profit business, for a Facebook live fundraiser conducted on the "Tour." Over $4,000 paid (including the $250 deposit) to a for profit business for just one of these fundraisers. Yet, on Facebook, Jordan's Way implies that the tours are conducted as part of the "charity", makes no mention of the $250+25%, and is COLLECTING DONATIONS.
Even worse, this participant reported that Jordan's Way demanded to be paid 25% of the credit (discount) they received toward medical care, which was "donated" by their veterinarians during the fundraiser.... meaning the shelter had to pay Jordan's Way CASH for a discount credit they received.

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