Thursday, September 14, 2023

Jordan's Way's New Money Grab Patreon

Oh yeaaaaah, it's totally worth $5 a month to watch Kris Rotonda and his FOR PROFIT business Jordan's Way LLC pretend to give a damn about shelter animals. The $250+25% they're making from these rescues and shelters just isn't enough.... he needs to exploit them more for his own profit.

Don't worry though, he'll "be selecting a shelter every month to give a donation to." We wonder if that'll end up like the mysterious cash, TV, Litter-Robot by Whisker, and BarkBox contests that there never appears to be a winner of (
Or maybe it's like the "Dollar a Month Club" where "all of the money raised through the $1 a month program will go directly to the shelter animals for things like treats, dog and cat beds, enrichment toys, and other supplies we can use not only to provide these animals with some added comforts, but also to help us raise more money for the shelters." ( Any shelter seen any of that money?

Friday, September 8, 2023

Jordan's Way needs to Talk to you about a Job... in Secret

 "Better discussed on a call." Hahahahahahahlol.... why? Because you're trying to keep your little scheme a secret from the internet now?

Also, there's NFW he's really paying $60-100 an hour for this.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Was Jordan's Way Registered in Pennsylvania when it did Fundraisers?

 Let's play a guessing game!!! Was Jordan's Way LLC, a for profit Florida company, registered as a professional solicitor in Pennsylvania when it conducted fundraisers there last month and took a 25% commission on each one? Don't be too surprised!

Pawzabilities PA Animal Rescue
Senior Hearts Rescue and Renewal
Griffin Pond Animal Shelter
Rescue Pets Serving Vets
Peoples' Animal Care and Control
East Coast Bulldog Rescue
Last Chance Ranch
Shelter's Helpers of Pittsburgh
Care to explain yourselves?
The Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes Act, 10 P. S. § 162.1 et seq ., (Act) requires professional solicitors to register with the Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations (Bureau) prior to soliciting for charitable organizations in Pennsylvania. If they do not register, they can be fined up to $1,000 per violation and assessed additional penalties of up to $100 per day.
Under Section 9(e) of the Act, 10 P. S. § 162.9(e), solicitors must also submit copies of their contracts with charitable organizations to the Bureau at least ten working days prior to soliciting for the organizations in Pennsylvania. If they fail to do so, or solicit before their contracts are approved by the Bureau, fines of up to $1,000 per violation and additional penalties of up to $100 per day can be imposed. When a submitted contract is approved by the Bureau, a certificate of approval for that contract is issued to the solicitor.
Section 9(f) of the Act, 10 P. S. §162.9(f), sets forth the various provisions which must be included in solicitor contracts. Contracts with charitable organizations must contain all the required provisions. The Bureau cannot approve contracts which do not contain all the statutorily required provisions and solicitors cannot legally solicit for charitable organizations in Pennsylvania until their contracts are approved.
Finally, Section 9(l) of the Act, 10 P. S. §162.9(l), requires solicitors to file a financial report within 90 days after a solicitation campaign or event has been completed and on the anniversary of the commencement of a solicitation campaign lasting more than one year. This financial report must list the gross revenue from the campaign or event and an itemization of all expenses incurred.
Solicitor registrations must be renewed annually.



That's right..... Jordan's Way LLC claims to have raised 7M dollars in 2.5 years. With the 25% commission, that means over 1.7 MILLION DONOR DOLLARS HAVE GONE TO A FOR PROFIT COMPANY INSTEAD OF TO ANIMALS. This doesn't account for the additional $250 that each shelter pays for costs.
$700k a year for less than full time work doesn't seem like a bad gig. But it's not enough.... now Kris Rotonda wants to use these hard-working shelters to make even more money for himself at the expense of shelter animals.
Shelters and rescues should be ashamed for participating in this racket.

Jordan's Way Tour

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Jordan's Ways Charities not a Registered Charity in Florida

Oh no..... it appears that the amazing Jordan's Way "Charities" failed to register with the state of Florida as a charity this year and their charitable registration is now EXPIRED. 😱
...not that it matters because the Tour is conducted by Jordan's Way LLC, a FOR PROFIT business, and not the "charity," despite Jordan's Way continuously referring to itself as a "nonprofit."

Monday, April 24, 2023

The Real Cost of Jordan's Way

 Well, let's be honest now.... their $5 would actually result in only $3.75 going to help shelter pets, while $1.25 goes to Kris Rotonda's pocket.

In total, Kris Rotonda and his FOR PROFIT business Jordan's Way LLC would take $5,947.50 by acting as an MC for a 3 hour long fundraiser, while the shelter nets only $16,842.50 from the over $22k donated. Seems to us that there would be better days for donors to spend their $5 if they really want the money to help animals.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Does Roid Rage Explain Kris Rotonda?

Today we got messages from some guy threatening to "come after us." We assumed it was another of Kris Rotonda's groupies/sugar daddies, but oooooh no.... This one is even better.

"Papa Tuna" claims that Kris came to his house two nights ago and stole $5-600 worth of steroids from his outdoor fridge (right before Kris left for the California Jordan's Way tour). Papa Tuna says that he's been selling Kris steroids for months.
Can't say we're surprised. Papa Tuna seems like a scary guy though and dad-of-the-year Kris should probably figure this out with Papa Tuna right quick.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

California Dept of Justice Sends Jordan's Way a Love Note

 Ready for the 40 IN 40 TOUR?! So is the California Department of Justice. Turns out Jordan's Way LLC wasn't registered there when it conducted fundraisers FOR PROFIT in 2022 and still isn't registered today despite having fundraisers scheduled this month.

California shelters and rescues: PROTECT YOURSELVES. Registration is the law!!

Friday, March 31, 2023

For Profit Jordan's Way not Registered in Colorado in 2022

Oopsie. Jordan's Way LLC wasn't registered in Colorado when it conducted fundraisers there FOR PROFIT in 2022. Jordan's Way finally registered for the 2023 fundraisers, but it seems the list of 3 shelters/rescues reported to the state doesn't match up with the list of fundraisers posted on social media.

Also, for those in the back.... this report clearly evidences yet again that these fundraisers are conducted by Jordan's Way LLC, a FOR PROFIT Florida company, not a charitable entity as claimed on the Jordan's Way website and social media.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Jordan's Way claims to be NonProfit with no Pennsylvania Registration

Tsk, tsk. Fundraisers conducted in Pennsylvania, but no Pennsylvania registration found. Pesky legal requirements for conducting commission-based fundraisers on behalf of actual nonprofits.

But, wait, there's more.... is Jordan's Way LLC going back to Pennsylvania for another round? It seems they've set up a whole new Facebook page this month with a big 'ol banner announcing their "non-profit" raising over 4 million dollars.
For the 800th time, the "Tour" is conducted by a FOR PROFIT company: Jordan's Way LLC. It is NOT a nonprofit. 25% of all donations paid to these fundraisers go to a FOR PROFIT company.
1 MILLION DOLLARS out of this 4 million didn't go to help dogs and cats, but instead helped line Kris Rotonda's pocket.