Wednesday, August 10, 2022

More Kris Rotonda sugar babying

 If you guys thought the photoshopping games were a recent thing....... NOPE.

Per records from the Pinellas County Sheriff's Department, Kris Rotonda seems to have photoshopped a fake newspaper article to convince his boyfriend, sugar daddy, whatever, to give him more money because his dating website "You Must Love Dogs Dating" was allegedly going to be purchased by millionaire Marcus Lemonis and he just needed a liiiiiiiittle more dolladolla$. This poor sucker allegedly gave Kris 2 million dollars.
Oh, all while Kris was..... married.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

What's Jordan's Real Story?

 We're calling this #TellTheTruthTuesday.... where we give Mr. Rotonda the opportunity to clarify some things.

Where did Jordan come from? Did she really spend 3 years (maybe 4) at a shelter? What exactly is Jordan's story?
Here is what the articles/posts/interviews say:
1. "He rescued Jordan in 2008."
2. "“Jordan was a dog I adopted back in 2008,” Rotonda said. “She was in a rescue for three years and she inspired me to make the unnoticed, noticed."
3. "It all began 11 years ago when he went into the SPCA of Tampa Bay and met Jordan, a three-and-a-half-year-old female dog. Jordan, like so many other dogs, spent her entire life in the shelter system. She was bounced around a lot and had never known life outside a cage; that is until Kris came along and adopted her."
4. “Jordan was a dog I adopted in 2008,” he said. “She was in a shelter for three years.”
5. "His own dog Jordan was adopted through the Tampa Bay SPCA 11 years ago."
6. "Rotonda, a 32-year old Safety Harbor resident, has been an animal lover since 2009, when he rescued Jordan — a 13-year old German Shepherd, Bullmastiff and Samoyed mix from Pinellas County Animal Services."
7. "Kris found her in a poorly under funded shelter (through no fault of their own) where she lay depressed and hungry with no will to live."
8. "Her owner found her in a shelter that had little or no money and sometimes she went hungry"
9. "He adopted his beloved Jordan from a Tampa shelter 11 years ago. She was one of the unfortunate dogs who had spent her entire life in the shelter system; never knowing stability or life outside of a cage."
10. "Jordan was in a shelter for 3 years. Depressed and hungry, it always sat uncomfortably with me that she was in such a bad place and so are many other pets"
11."Tragically, Jordan succumbed to cancer in October 2018."
12. "She was one of those dogs that you see on facebook... with like the rib cage hanging out"
13. "Jordan spent four years in a kennel and overlooked."
14. "Kris was nursing a heartache from a broken relationship when he moved from New Jersey to Florida. He decided to visit a shelter and adopt a dog for companionship. That was when he met Jordan. Jordan was three years old and had lived in a shelter since she was born."
Maths = Jordan was either adopted in 2007, 2008, or 2009. Story = Jordan was either adopted from Tampa Bay SPCA or Pinellas Animal Services, where she spent ~3-4 years in a cage and was "hungry" or emaciated "rib cage hanging out".
We emailed the Tampa Bay SPCA about Jordan's adoption story. Here's what they said: "While we don’t give out information on specific adoptions, I can tell you that we don’t have dogs in our care for years. . . . As much as we love the animals in our care, our goal is to get them into homes." ๐Ÿคจ
Pinellas County Animal Services is a government run shelter that takes in strays. Highly unlikely that they kept a dog for 3 years, but we did a records request for dogs adopted by Kris Rotonda anyway. Here was their response: "Good morning- We are in receipt of your records request. After research, there are no records in our database pursuant to your request." ๐Ÿคจ
Keep in mind, Jordan's allegedly sad story is the "inspiration" for Jordan's Way. Kris's dog Rocky was apparently the inspiration for his multiple pet businesses.... you know, before Jordan passed away and he decided to exploit her to make money.
What is Jordan's story? We'd like to see the adoption paperwork.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Kris Rotonda tries to give a GoldenDoodle to Trump

 I love dogs... I love shelter dogs.... blah blah blah. Remember that time you offered up Smoochie to Trump as a promo for your business?

Kris Rotonda will do anything for fame

 Someone who will do anything and exploit anyone to get famous or to be on the Ellen DeGeneres show (what is this obsession?!?!!!).

While his beloved Jordan was dying from cancer, with possibly only two months to live, Kris Rotonda was busy concocting his next get famous quick scheme..... his disabled daughter.
Of course, her Facebook page was abandoned in December 2018... strangely around the time when Jordan's Way "Charities" became the focus. Soooo sad.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Pecs N Paws... a Jordan's Way Calander that never made it to the tax return

 We present... the 2020 "I swear we have $0 in donations" calendar.

In 2019, the Jordan's Way "Charities" 990 tax return says Jordan's Way Charities took in ZERO DOLLARS in donations. We've already shown you the 2019 direct money fundraisers, but lorty.... check this one out.
Now, you may be asking.... how do we know Jordan's Way actually sold any of these fabulous calendars in 2019? Well, Jordan's Way "Charities" either lied all over Facebook about selling them, or........
But to top it off, Jordan's Way "Charities" got SHELTERS in on selling these things! Where did that money go?
Last, but not least, we're sorry to say that for the low low price of $24.99, you missed out on having actor Damien Kyle gracing your wall in May. What? You don't know who Damien Kyle is? My, oh my.... you must be living in a cave. here, we'll help:

Monday, August 1, 2022

Jordan's Way's "zero dollar" tax returns in 2019 and 2020

Hey Jordan's Way, can we get those receipts? According to the Jordan's Way "Charities" 2020 tax return, you had "0" in donations come in, so we'd like to know what "more" you're referring to.

Donations per the Jordan's Way "Charities" 2019 tax return? 0 dollars. This fundraiser and the others on Facebook have curiously since been deleted (thank God for internet archives).